Case Studies and Articles

Posts Tagged 'productivity'

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The risk of ignoring your Internal Customers.

Every organisation across every industry is concerned with their ‘internal customers’ and performance. Employees are often identified as the internal customers of an organisation because, while they are not typically the target market, they do ‘buy into’ the processes and systems which drive performance. For your organisation to perform at its best, it is crucial that you have in place people strategies which are in line with your overall strategy. A disconnection between these two is what stands between where your organisation is, and where it needs to go. For instance, you may be in the process of restructuring departments and divisions, attempting to standardise processes with new technologies, or expanding globally through acquisition or internal growth. Any of these changes have the power to bring about a misalignment between your people and your organisational strategies. This is why it is important that your change management be handled with the utmost care and understanding. ...

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