Case Studies and Articles

From the monthly archives: April 2014

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'April 2014'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Successful Change Management on a SAP Implementation at a Mining and Manufacturing Client

Background WayEx Pty Ltd was a manufacturing and mining company, which was regarded as a leader in its industry. Its existing ERP system had been in place for over 10 years, and during this time there had been no significant change to the original design of the solution. The system was heavily customised, and had resulted in an inability to keep up to date with the formal patches from the vendor. It was eventually considered appropriate that WayEx replace its existing ERP. Reason for the upgrade was therefore risk based, and not for purposes of re-engineering the existing business processes. SAP was chosen as the ERP system of choice to replace the existing system. The scope of the SAP implementation covered the following functional areas: financial accounting, controlling, sales and distribution, materials management, production planning and project systems. At the time, WayEx employed 6000 employees and operated across 14 different geographical locations in South Africa and 2 locations international ...

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Completing a holistic people due diligence which contributed to the decision to acquire another bank

Completing a holistic people due diligence which contributed to the decision to acquire another bank Background ISLAMIC Bank* was an investment bank niched in the Islamic market that was looking to expand its product and service offering to include retail and business banking solutions. The bank was seeking a more balanced portfolio in order to manage risk more effectively and to compete more dominantly in its sector. It already had a proven track record in the investment banking financial services sector. They had identified and initiated discussions with a bank in the targeted sector, that presented an attractive opportunity for acquisition. ABC Bank was also an Islamic bank, with a broad customer base that had been in business for longer than ISLAMIC Bank and held a solid reputation in the retail and business banking market. A decision was taken to proceed with a due diligence on ABC Bank. Change Systems was awarded the contract to conduct the people aspects of the overall due diligence. The ...

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